New Day Women's Clinic (NDWC) is a Christian organization dedicated to saving the unborn THROUGH nurturing and educating expectant mothers and their families and providing real help and healing for the women who suffer from the aftermath of abortion.

Every heartbeat, every tiny movement, and every potential for a future is a testament to the sanctity of life. We ask for your continued support, for your advocacy, and for your vote to defend life. Together, we can make a difference, ensuring that the rights of the unborn are recognized and upheld. Click below for more information about your opportunity to defend life at the ballot this Spring.
About New Day Women's Clinic
We seek to EMPOWER, ENRICH, and EQUIP the most vulnerable among us so that decisions are made in a place of love; NOT FEAR.
Through your generosity we ensure that the best continuity of care is available so that no mother, father, or family walks the road of an unexpected pregnancy and parenthood alone. We work to connect them to every resource that will assist in overcoming the roadblocks that they face. We work to ensure that a mother never feels as though abortion were her only option. Through our actions and our words they see the face of Jesus Christ.
Guardians Purpose
We are a faith-based Christian ministry providing support, education, spiritual guidance, medical services, and community engagement to mothers and families faced with an unplanned pregnancy in ways that will empower their parental instincts, enrich their lives and the lives of their children, and equip them for the life that God intended for them.
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We are here to help anyone in need.

We offer our clients limited diagnostic ultrasounds in order to diagnose pregnancy. This is done by seeking these three things:
*placement of the pregnancy
*gestational age
*viability (heartbeat)
Our Nurse Manager is trained and certified to conduct these scans. Our Medical Director, Dr. Linda Peterson then reads the scans to verify the results.

Our team works to ensure that every person involved in a pregnancy has medically accurate information, connection to much needed resources and support, and ongoing wrap around care designed to provide a safety net around the most vulnerable among us.
We focus on listening and equipping our moms and families with information and resources.
Community partnerships are constantly being sought and developed in order to ensure that no mother ever feels as though abortion is her only option because of a perceived lack of love and support!

We want moms and families to be rewarded for their efforts. So when they participate in our advocate and mentoring programs they earn "New Day Dollars" to spend in our brand new Baby Boutique!
We also offer emergency supplies through our Blessings Box outside of our clinic. Families are welcome to take the supplies they need along with our brochure to ensure they are able to provide for the immediate needs of their family.
Our Guardians are welcome to help us keep this box stocked with diapers, wipes, small clothing items, blankets, and formula.

Sexual Risk Avoidance Education
The Center for Relationship Education (CRE) created REAL Essentials curricula: An evidenced based, scientifically, and medically accurate, relationship education course that teaches individuals (primarily students 4-12th grade) how to establish and maintain healthy relationships with themselves, their families, their friends, and their communities. Establishing healthy relationships allows individuals to connect to their world socially, be affirmed in value, develop healthy coping skills that leads to wholistic wellbeing and the ability to thrive. This is not to be confused with sex- ed, but rather, through learning about developing healthy relationships, students discover how relationships inform decisions in the areas of physical, intellectual, emotional, spiritual, financial, and social intimacy.
For more information please email

STI Testing and treatment
New Day Women's Clinic recognizes the impact that STI's have in our community and aim to be a resource and clinic of first choice.
We offer FREE testing and treatment for the two most prominent STI's in our community (chlamydia and gonorrhea).
This service is vital for establishing relationships before an unintended pregnancy and ensuring the health of our women, men, and families.

Abortion pill reversal
Every woman has the right to be fully informed; that includes information regarding the potential to reverse a decision that she now regrets.
Abortion Pill Reversal is a simple progesterone regimen that is provided to a woman after she ingests the first pill of the abortion pill and before the second.
The first pill of the abortion pill (actually a round of 2 different medications) is designed to stop the flow of progesterone to the developing child, causing its death. The second pill causes contractions and expels the child.
With Abortion Pill Reversal there is a 64-68% chance of saving the baby's life and allowing the mother make that life saving choice.

Case management
Our Case Manager works one on one with each mom and family to connect them with services both inside and outside of our clinic to ensure that they are equipped for the journey ahead.
We provide a bridge to services and allow families an opportunity to breathe as we carry the weight for them then teach them how to take back contol of their lives.

This community is rich with organizations, individuals, businesses, and churches that are longing to meet the needs of the most vulnerable among us. We are continuing to strive to build lasting partnerships with these stakeholders to ensure that our moms and families see the abundance of support waiting for them.
Here are just a few examples:
-twentyTHREE61 (post abortive support)
-Gerard's Embrace (maternity home)
-SafeFamilies (ongoing and extended support)
-ECFA (Evangelical Child and Family Agendy-Adoption)
-Pastoral Committee that is growing in size and engagement

Contact Us
Feel free to reach out with any comments or questions!
Delavan, Wisconsin, 53115 United States
New Day Women's Clinic is a 501c3 non-profit organization EIN # 39-1491841