we are hiring

join our team

New Day Women's Clinic exists to provide confidential and compassionate care to women and families before, during, and after an unexpected or expected pregnancy.

Our team of staff and volunteers are dedicated to walking through life's challenges with women and connecting with them in a personal way to resources that will empower, enrich, and equip her for her journey.

Please email admin@ndwomensclinic.com if you are interested in either of these positions.

ADVANCEMENT / outreach Manager 
The Advancement / Outreach Manager will be responsible for planning, coordinating, and implementing various fundraising efforts and community engagement activities.  These activities will encourage, maintain, and increase engagement and support to meet the financial obligations of the pregnancy center.  Additionally, the Advancement / Outreach Manager will maintain the donor base, identify opportunities to increase donor support, and research and identify potential grant opportunities. 

Click here to see a detailed job description.

Intake receptionist (whitewater)
The Intake Receptionist is responsible for presenting the ideal image of New Day Women’s Clinic to our clients, both in person and over the phone. This position serves as the “face” of the clinic and shall be integral in ensuring a positive, uplifting experience for all who come to NDWC.  .

Click here to see a detailed job description.

Nurse (Volunteer)

Registered nurses for New Day Women’s Clinic will be responsible for assisting with the daily medical operations, patient care & medical referral services, including performing medical services (as trained).

 Click here to see a detailed job description

Spanish Translator (volunteer)

Our volunteer translators should be fluent in both English and Spanish. Volunteer translators will work with all applicable staff and volunteers to ensure we effectively serve and care for our clients without partiality by communicating in the client's first language. For more information about this position, click here.

other volunteer opportunities

Our clinic is founded on committed volunteers who offer their time to provide compassionate care and hope to women and families in our local community who are facing an unexpected pregnancy. All personnel are Christ-centered individuals who adhere to our Statement of Faith and Statement of Principle.

Interested in volunteering click here for more information or to complete our online interest form and our staff will be sure to follow up.